Today, before some of the changes that have taken place in the world’s stage, is our highest chance to create some sparks that would fulfill the independence with dignity that Sahrawi people have always dreamed of, those sparks that will bring about the fire of independence and devastate all the walls of inaction that we have lived with for at least over three decades cannot manifest without some efforts as huge as the ones we –Sahrawi people – made over thirty–six years ago and their continuing to be unseen whether with Sahrawi people’s enemy’s effort or Sahrawi people’s weakness and inability to face the world as it is cannot be acceptable. we are a people who launched what we call seeking for independence and what the enemies call a secessionist movement, we know that right has always been on our side but the fact that this truth is not enough for us to be free is exactly the large part of our inability to break this inaction. Right is more precious than peace, peace doesn’t mean the absence of war but it means that both sides get their rights and obligations within their own territory without any humiliation or lack of life services so Sahrawi people aren’t in a peace situation, they are in a inaction situation that we know has grave consequences not only on Sahrawi people’s mind but also their determination and I say that not because I want to make despair within Sahrawi people Ideology and belief but instead it is to be clear about the risks that we might face in the future.
Now some changes have taken or been put in place, how they have come doesn’t matter, what we need here is to recognize that we must act boldly and positively on the world’s new stage. The coming of François Hollande is a great opportunity, Barack Obama ,Nobel Prize , and his speeches telling us his adherence to the rule of law and human rights is a great one as well. The president François Hollande and his government must be our target today and saying why is ridiculous, the president Barack Obama and his government cannot show contradictions to their words and that must be our top priority, we must put all the political heaviness that our government have on those goals and we will achieve some advance in our strive for justice, independence .
I have no allusion that those targets will be so easy to meet, they will require sacrifice, adapting to the world’s stage’s circumstances and remaking ourselves to integrate into the new pattern of expressing will and seeking independence. In 2012 ,there must be what all the world’s dependence is based on, there must be every type of efforts, peace and war, black and white and no matter the guy or the woman who will hear of Western Sahara’s people will get sense that these people deserve independence for numerous reasons.
Damin Haidar
-------------- This text expresses the opinion of the author and not of the moderators of the forum.

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