A few days ago, on April 20, 2020, the BBC Arabic Radio Station section, London Radio, broadcasted a program, https://soundcloud.com/bbc-arabic/slabachs0keb according to which Morocco had offered humanitarian aid for the Sahrawi refugee camps that are being operated by the Sahrawi Republic and located on the Algerian-Western Sahara borders. However, this radio station, which is being funded with the British people money, claimed that Algeria had refused to receive such a humanitarian aid.
The subliminal message that the radio program, being broadcasted in Arabic language, wanted to transmit was that, supposedly, the infinite mercy of the Moroccan regime was faced with the wicked Algerian behavior, by impeding the aid to reach a certain population in needs of it, mainly during these difficult times of the Corona Virus.
The London Radio, which had enjoyed its climax of the radio hegemony for the last century’s final years, mainly in much of the Arab world, has declined. And, taking advantage of its decadence, the scavengers did not take long to come to seize the remains of what was a very prestigious radio station. Certainly, listening to the BBC Radio, in Arabic language, addressing the issue of Western Sahara, one comes to doubt whether what you are listening to is a radio station funded by the British people money or, instead, a Moroccan radio station.
But time is a ruthless judge! And what better time than a holy month, like Ramadan, for a revelation to happen that makes things quite clear.
Just in the month in which angels descend from heaven, by order of God, to receive the gracious ones’ deeds, the Moroccan minister of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Bourita, reveals the true moral and merciless ilk of a country, which the BBC Arabic Radio station wanted to praise as an example of mercy.
During the first week of the holy month of Ramadan, the Algerian Red Crescent praised the strong solidarity of the Algerian people, by organizing an airlift to bring thousands of tons of humanitarian aid to the Sahrawi refugee people.
And, there, in that exercise of mercy which kept the angels from heaven prostrate, where the Algerian people fulfilled the commandments of faith, Nasser Bourita brought out the leviathan that he carries within, showing the true satanic nature of the Moroccan regime.
For the Moroccan Foreign Ministry, the humanitarian aid received by the Saharawi refugees from Algeria only helps to foster separatism and fuels instability in the North-West region of Africa.
Just over a week ago, on the first day of Ramadan, the UN Agency, World Food Program (WFP), announced that the French Government had provided, for the first time, a generous donation of almost half a million dollars to the Saharawi refugee population.
Today, on May 5, 2020, the WFP again announces that the Swiss Government has made a donation, much more generous than the one made by the French Government, of almost two million dollars to help the Saharawi refugee population.
For Bourita, these people stranded in the middle of the desert with a Legitimate Cause and who have been hit by the pandemic hoping for international justice to come, are unworthy of the mercy that the holy month orders the gracious ones to practice.
It looks clear for those who are not among the gracious ones, that anyone who dares to help the needy, be it in the holy month of Ramadan or in the difficult times of a pandemic, this is promoting separatism and instability in the region
The extreme religious inappropriateness of Bourita's words invites us to think that, that first time in which France has helped the Sahrawi refugee people, it has been felt very badly in Rabat. Hence, the dart sent by Bourita is not only targeting Algiers but also its former metropolis.
For Rabat, the Saharawi people, who have been suffering for more than 45 years due to a military occupation of their territory, are unworthy of international aid, simply because of opposing the irrepressible territorial voracity of Morocco. Therefore, the UNHCR Agency, USA, France, Switzerland or Algeria, they are all promoting separatism and instability in the region by providing humanitarian aid to the Saharawi people. So, the BBC Arabic Radio station will continue to praise the kind contributions made by Morocco.
Haddamin Moulud Said.
May the 5th, 2020.
Translated by Zrug Lula.
-------------- This text expresses the opinion of the author and not of the moderators of the forum.

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