Although weaned on capitalism as a western orientated nation, the 2019 Spanish election revealed that a huge chunk of the electorate rejects capitalism and harbours tendency toward socialism, while another big chunk do not crave real democracy and go for a more nationalist regimes. Democratic practices and liberties gained seemingly precedence over blind loyalties to chauvinism and nationalism.
Despite the shaky political system, which has been scraped by considerable public bitterness, the deep state has survived, remained functioning, and with little change. In this context, although Socialist Workers’ Party powerful barons left the political arena, its hierarchy still includes established politicians and the Party old apparatus remains the same with Felipe Gonzalez and Zapatero as influencers maintaining a foothold in the party’s foreign policy.
No doubt that Socialist militants support for the Saharawi cause is meritorious. However, the Socialist leaders treat the Saharawi question differently and they contemptuously challenge their militants by doing the opposite of what they intend to accomplish.
Though Felipe Gonzalez and his band, who advocate for democratic practices and liberties, declared their hostilities and rejection to a “choice” for an independent Western Sahara , the militants of the Socialist Workers’ Party, with circumscribed powers on important issues, failed to digest the serious consequences of their baron’s posture and responded with rhetoric rather than with a defined action that could decidedly counter the egregious mistake and glaring error, allowing, thus, the political judgements of that band to naively override their principles.
As there is assuredly much more to be said about this moral and ethical dualism on Western Sahara, both for it and against it, this matter has scantily scratched the surface of the Socialist foreign policy plans. We hope that the new political scene bring this chunk of the Spanish people out of their restrained stupor and that the new victory in election stir the Socialist leadership to come forward and finally respect the choices of their militants and their honest opinions.
Nafaa Mohamed Salem
-------------- This text expresses the opinion of the author and not of the moderators of the forum.
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