
France and Western Sahara issue

by Damin Haidar

The demonstrations that happened before some of French embassies around the world and specially throughout the European region was the beginning of the role of this generation and the future ones ,because French values lake the purity of their battle , it is something of ambiguity that we see them wear the tolerance and self-determination in some places while in other ones they don’t . The first to look at these irreconcilable decisions of French government and the aspirations of its people to be the citizens of  a government that reflects what they live with in their society and advances all the values that human rights depond on , precisely human dignity , self-determination , will imagine that it is just like some of hypocrisy values  . Yes , we can imagine that they would answer when their people argue them ‘we pursue our people interest’ but sorry , what you are looking for doesn’t have to come at these weak , illegally forbidden people from enjoying full sovereignty on their own homeland ,likewise the French government doesn’t get that they unconsciously  reach what they claim the interests of their people at the expense of their people , for the reputation and respect of this nation that is also a part of French people, I think ,is more important than the few gotten by repression , if not stolen, from our territory resources and our economic strength .
What someone like me can say is that there might be a big gap between French government and its people , now it is time for this French government to look beyond these short-term interests and shift its politics in a way that earns the respect of the world . Yes , France has its rich land and a strong size of military besides its membership in G8 but I, like many others, feel like this nation is still unseen when put with some of those giants on the political exam, in part this is because of the gap between the government and people in term of the foreign policy  and its decisions that has always been unfair and the clear example is Western Sahara issue when France has always exploited the power it has within Security Council to prevent the referendum Western Sahara people’s destiny deponds on .I think France would have more impact on the world’s people if its government respected its people’s will which doesn’t go beyond the slogan of French revolution ‘liberty , justice and equality’ so just as these have always been the aspirations of French people so they are western Sahara people’s . These principals rooted within French people must be exported broad by the government and whatever mistakes France has historically made ,the blame must directly put on its government, now the few days to come , France will have another political exam on the issue of western Sahara and we hope that they will ally with right and truth instead of hypocrisy and repression and the bright day, out of this darkness , will come.
The people of Western Sahara need all wagers of peace on their side in their fair cause , these people need to receive the same principles that have helped the other people to thrive , shaping this world but unless our people still haven’t gotten their independence , this world still need to be remade .
the president of the United States Abraham Lincoln  once said ‘he has a right to criticize who has a heart to help’.
Damin Haidar

--------------  This text expresses the opinion of the author and not of the moderators of the forum.


Los Países de la Línea del Frente

por Haddamin Moulud Said

El Apartheid es un régimen de poder que, al igual que otros en el noroeste africano, tenía una alta voracidad territorial. Y, ciertamente, la vecindad de un Estado, territorialmente, goloso plantea serios problemas de paz y estabilidad a los países vecinos.
Esa paz y estabilidad, unidos al rechazo de la segregación racial impuesta por el Apartheid, es lo que empujó a Angola, Botsuana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia y Zimbabue a unir sus fuerzas para vencer un enemigo común. Es lo que se dio en llamar, los Países de la Línea del Frente, que más tarde y, toda vez hubo desaparecido el Apartheid, se convertiría en la SADC, ya con aires más económicos y comerciales.
En la frontera noroccidental de Mauritania, hay dos manchas de sangre que revelan los zarpazos del Apartheid marroquí. Es decir, en dos puntos distintos que suman más de cien kilómetros, Marruecos, se ha adueñados, por la fuerza, de una parte de territorio terrestre mauritano. En cuanto al territorio cultural, su continuidad natural se ha roto como consecuencia de los ignominiosos muros construidos por Marruecos, de modo que, a los connaturales de Chej uld Abba, se les hace imposible recorren esos bellos lugares cuyo “tidinit” había elevado a lo más alto de nuestros recuerdos musicales.
La que fue conocida como “la guerra de las arenas” es testigo de la incomodidad de tener como compañero de plataforma continental a un amigo territorialmente goloso.
Aunque allende los mares existen otros pueblos, igualmente, expuestos a la incontenible voracidad territorial de Marruecos, es la ocupación del Sahara Occidental lo que hace necesario replantearse la estrategia de los Países de la Línea del Frente.
El sentimiento de pertenencia a la “Comunidad Bidhan” o “Traba Albidhan” que experimentan los saharauis y los mauritanos es mucho mayor que el sentimiento de “europeidad” que sienten los nacionales de los distintos Estados de la Unión. Sin embargo, nuestra diplomacia aún no ha empleado el suficiente carbón y acero o, mejor dicho, carbón y té, para unir puentes con la posición oficial mauritana.
En el resto de África, es evidente que no hemos sabido aprovechar la conjunción zodiacal de la constelación 'Mandela'. O dicho en otras palabras, el eje Pretoria – Lagos – Argel, al que habría que sumar otros, ha sido el gran ausente en los tableros donde se traza nuestra estrategia diplomática. Por poner un ejemplo ilustrador, usualmente, la designación de un embajador determinado dice mucho del interés, respeto y consideración que un país profesa a otro. Y, en esto, desde luego, que Mandela se merece un trato y una consideración mucho mayores.
En cualquier caso, el verdadero Frente, valga la redundancia, donde están llamados a combatir esos futuros miembros de la Línea del Frente, se llama GAS. Es decir, que hagan de contrapeso al llamado Grupo de Apoyo al Secretario General de la ONU en el asunto del Sahara Occidental. En este mes de abril que el Consejo de Seguridad de NN.UU prepara su Resolución sobre el Sahara Occidental y los distintos actores se preparan, cada uno por su parte, para arrimar el ascua a su sardina, no estaría de más que entrara en escena un nuevo actor en defensa de nuestra Causa. Justamente, ahora, que Marruecos tiene un asiento en el Consejo de Seguridad, corresponde a nuestra diplomacia movilizarse para combatir en todos los escenarios donde le sea posible.

Haddamin Moulud Said.
En Valencia, a 1 de abril de 2012

--------------Este texto expresa la opinion del autor y no de los moderadores del foro.

The determination of generations guarantees independence

by Damin Haidar

Last week , the students of Sahara Arab Democratic Republic in the refugees camps that exist in Tindouf , held a seminar entitled ‘the determination of generations guarantees independence’ and which ended up electing who will be the chief of section in the middle region that is called ‘Elmahdi Zerga Ahmoud’ , the students who attended it were many , they were anxious about the destiny of their friends who had been illegally arrested by moroccan authority in the occupied territory (Abrahim Ashlaih, Ahmed Asherif, Ayoub Almansouri, Mohamed Berrak, Said Abeileel, Slaima Masa’ad) and they declared their support for them and their readiness to do whatever it takes in order to get them free , we also reminded ourselves of what had happened to those eight students on June 21, 1995 ( Nissan Mrepih, Baba La’arbi , Lakhel Abdelahi,Rahou Mahfoud, M’barki Ahmed, Beshraui Nabat , Buh Skiratu) who got also arrested because they peacefully protested and expressed their opinion , holding and repeating some national slogans . No matter how many moroccan authorities put or will put in jail , the plane truth and the lesson that morocco concludes is that the true source for Sahrawi longing for liberty has not been in some group of students in some generation , it has been a notion rooted in every generation that either we will have liberty and independence in our territory through a fair referendum of self-determination or our destiny will be a genocide .
The climate that dominated was love for the country that has been under occupation for over 36 years , respect and gratitude for the efforts that has been made by our military and political leaders , determination to free our country from those who illegally invaded it , undermined past agreements and violated human rights, torturing , putting in jail and killing innocent men, women and children.
It was an occasion for many of students to meet some of political leaders who each one gave comments which were some advices that students must never hesitate to defend their and their people’s right in defining their destiny which has been denied for too long because of moroccan intransigence and its expansionism intention and that injustice adopted by Morocco should someday come to an end and that the hypocrisy spread in Morocco national or international policy will never overcome justice in the world , they also reminded us of the heroic works and sacrifices made by our martyrs while indicating the kind of effort that SADR student should make today .
For students comments , they were about all what has been accomplished over the last years and how we can shift our manners in a way that serves our issue within and abroad. the students has come to the conclusion that we will faster be supported and understood by students around the world than the rest of people stages, because students are the only persons who have the instruction needed to recognize and accept our people right in self-determination, and there is no doubt that the students of Morocco who don’t reject the truth that knowledge provide them with recognize this reality.
THE NAMES OF PRISONERS THAT I MENTIONED IN THIS ARTICLE ARE THE SAME MENTIONED IN Martine Froberville ‘s BOOK WHICH IS "Le Sahara Occidental , le droit à l’independance" .
The people are our major concern and our belief in the ultimate triumph of human liberty is our source of hope.

Damin Haidar
--------------This text expresses the opinion of the author and not of the moderators of the forum.